Cosmetic Surgery

How Long Do Results Last After Facelift Surgery?

Many patients describe a facelift as having the ability to “turn back time,” but how long can this pause on aging actually last? One of the many benefits of this rejuvenating procedure is the long-lasting outcome. Although the time will…

What Will My Facelift Scars Look Like?

Facelift surgery is designed to improve one’s appearance, so it makes sense that patients would be curious where the incisions will be located and how visible they might be once healed. As an extensively trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Neal Goldberg…

How Does KYBELLA® Reduce a Double Chin Without Surgery?

Many cosmetic injectables are designed to add volume. One type of injectable, however, is designed to reduce the amount of tissue in a targeted location. Often known as the “double chin treatment,” KYBELLA® is FDA-approved to address what’s medically referred…

Why Do I Need to Quit Smoking Before Plastic Surgery?

It’s no secret that smoking can cause a wide range of serious health problems. But did you know that smoking can potentially affect your plastic surgery experience, recovery, and results too? If you smoke or use tobacco products and are…

What Do Plastic Surgeons Wish You Would Ask During Consultation?

The plastic surgery consultation offers an excellent opportunity to learn more about the procedure or procedures you’re considering. But more than that, it’s a chance to get to know more about the plastic surgeon’s background and training. Some of the…

Do Breast Implants Interfere with Mammograms?

Breast health is an important and serious concern for women. To help preserve their well-being, women should receive regular mammograms after the age of 50, or earlier if there’s a family history of breast cancer. To be effective, mammograms need…

Can I Still Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation?

Many women undergo breast augmentation in their 20s and 30s, before they have a chance to have children. As a result, a number of our patients are interested to know whether this procedure will affect their ability to breastfeed when…

How Long Will Rhinoplasty Recovery Take?

Nose reshaping surgery is one of the most enduringly popular cosmetic enhancement procedures in the nation. Changing the shape and proportion of the nose can enhance the harmony of all the facial features with beautiful results. If you’re considering rhinoplasty,…

Which Areas of the Nose Can Be Addressed With Rhinoplasty?

Nose reshaping surgery, medically referred to as rhinoplasty, is a procedure designed to enhance the shape and proportions of the nose as well as to improve its function. Many people know that rhinoplasty can modify the width and shape of…
