What Age Is Best for a Facelift?
Everyone experiences the natural process of aging a little differently. As a result, the ideal age for any anti-aging procedure, including facelift surgery, will vary from person to person. As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Neal Goldberg has performed…
Why Criticizing People Who Have “Had Work Done” Is Outdated
It can be a little surprising at first to see a celebrity or a friend debut a rejuvenated look, a fuller pout, or a more symmetrical nose. Nowadays, however, the follow-up reaction is usually positive interest. When plastic surgery was…
How Long Do Liposuction Results Last?
If you eat less and exercise more often, you may lose weight. In contrast, if you increase your food intake and skip the gym, you may gain weight. But is this also true for liposuction? Does this procedure experience a…
What Can I Expect After Liposuction?
As a surgical procedure, liposuction will require some recovery time. Every person’s experience is unique; however, there typically will be certain healing stages that most patients will go through. During the initial consultation, Dr. Neal Goldberg will discuss the details…
Am I Good Candidate for Liposuction?
Even with the best effort, excess fat pockets sometimes just won’t budge. Diet and exercise are excellent methods of maintaining a healthy body weight, but fat deposits can still remain. Fortunately, liposuction may be able to help. Dr. Neal Goldberg,…
Can I Use Fat Injections for Butt Augmentation?
It’s clear to many that beauty standards can change from decade to decade. The current zeitgeist recognizes that women with fuller, more curvaceous shapes have just as much appeal as other body types. As a result, a number of women…
What Are Facial Fat Injections and What Are the Benefits?
There are many influences that can affect facial volume, including genetic and environmental factors, which can lead to hollowing of the cheeks, under-eye bags, and facial folds. Dr. Neal Goldberg, our experienced plastic surgeon, offers a wide range of rejuvenating…
Is Tummy Tuck Revision Worth It?
Designed to reduce excess skin and tighten muscles, tummy tuck surgery is a popular procedure with moms and individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight. In some cases, unfortunately, a person may be dissatisfied with the outcome of his…
Combine Liposuction With Tummy Tuck Surgery for the Best of Both Worlds
While not technically a part of the standard tummy tuck procedure, liposuction often is appended to abdominoplasty to enhance the result and provide additional contouring of the stomach and sides of the body. Not everyone requires the additional fat removal; however, Dr. Neal…
Dr. Goldberg’s Customized Approach to Tummy Tuck Surgery
Pregnancy, weight gain and loss, and genetic predisposition can contribute to the development of excess skin and loose muscles in the midsection. Tummy tuck surgery, medically referred to as abdominoplasty, is a procedure designed to address these common concerns. However, there…