Male Breast Reduction

Will Liposuction Get Rid of Gynecomastia?

Overdeveloped male breasts refer to a condition called gynecomastia, which is increasingly common and does not require any medical attention. However, while medically harmless, gynecomastia is often associated with emotional and psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, self-consciousness, and embarrassment.…

Can You Reduce Your Breast Size With Dieting and Exercise?

Excessively large and heavy breasts can pose many physical, emotional, and psychological concerns for individuals who struggle with a disproportionate breast size. Not only can dominating breasts make it difficult to exercise and play sports, but they also cause painful…

Can Gynecomastia Go Away Without Surgery?

Gynecomastia—or the overdevelopment of breast tissue in men—often subsides naturally throughout adolescence, but the likelihood of visible male breasts resolving on their own as an adult is unfortunately lower. In many situations, the normal hormonal fluctuations that occur during puberty…

Can Gynecomastia Be Improved With Exercise?

The appearance of male breasts, often known as “man boobs,” affects up to 70 percent of men who are over the age of puberty. It is a relatively common condition, yet the emotional and psychological burdens caused by gynecomastia can…

Cost of Male Breast Reduction

Despite popular belief, enlarged breast tissue is a relatively common concern faced by a number of male patients. That said, the pervasiveness of this condition—medically known as gynecomastia—does not reduce the embarrassment and self-consciousness often felt by men who have…
