What Can I Expect After Liposuction?

As a surgical procedure, liposuction will require some recovery time. Every person’s experience is unique; however, there typically will be certain healing stages that most patients will go through. During the initial consultation, Dr. Neal Goldberg will discuss the details of your customized procedure and what to expect after you return home. An experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon, he emphasizes that you should listen to your body during this period and avoid pushing yourself while recovering. A little patience can help you to achieve optimal results.

Following the surgery, you should be able to return home after a brief period in the hospital or surgical facility. You will likely feel sore and swollen and have bruises in the treated area. We will provide medication to help alleviate these symptoms. Additionally, you may have a drainage tube to help reduce fluid build-up. This will be removed after about two days. A compression garment should be worn for about two to three weeks to help enhance the outcome. We utilize these techniques to improve and shorten the recovery process. Many patients return to normal activity, such as work or social engagements, after one to two weeks. Again, we advise you to listen to your body to determine when the right time to return to your routine will be. While light walking can help you heal, we ask that you hold off on strenuous exercise for at least a month, or as long as Dr. Goldberg recommends.

If you undergo liposuction in combination with other body contouring treatments, the recovery process may be extended. Dr. Goldberg will provide the details during your consultation. You are also welcome to contact us at any time for more information.
